Tips for Dealing with Drama

I'm allergic to drama
Drama kills momentum.
Drama does nothing for you.
Drama sucks the life out of you.
We all know it, but we still get sucked into it from time to time.
Rules for dealing with drama
In my opinion, having rules for dealing with drama is essential.
My number one rule for dealing with drama is to cut those people out of your life that are constantly bringing drama into your life. Hard cut. I refuse to deal with it because it's the complete opposite of how I operate.
What does this mean?
I won’t answer your phone call or make time for you. Although this may sound harsh, removing these obstacles are the key to long term success.
The moral of the story
If you bring the drama, we aren't going to be friends. It's that simple.
Sticking to this rule - with no gray area - for my entire adult life has worked better than I could have imagined. Not only am I more focused and less stressed, but I'm keeping the unwanted chaos out of my life entirely.
Life is already hard enough... why make it more difficult with drama?