#128 Bring the Juice

Last day of squatting at the Old School – Pataskala location. I wanted to bring something today because I haven’t squatted over 375 in over a year because of injuries. I got to 315 in a belt, and I asked Cole if he wanted to use my shoes because I was about to cut it.
And then I was like, "All right, well fuck it. I'll just take 365." Did a light wrap and felt good. Then I go 405. I go to Todd and was like, "Yo, old-timer. I might need a wrap one more time." And he was like, "Oh yeah, I gotcha. Right now?" And then Tyler Galbraith comes through with the fucking nose tork. He throws it to me and I’m like, "Oh shit, it's about to be on.” 405 felt pretty easy. My brain was telling me, "All right, you should be done G, because this is way more than you thought you were going to do." Then I was like, "Well fuck it, it's the last day. I've got to seize this fucking moment and wild the fuck out, let's go 455."
I go 455 and fucking miss it. I put my head down and I literally said to myself, "Are you really going to let today be the day that you let this happen?" And as Todd was wrapping me for the 405, that was the first moment I had any emotion about leaving the gym for some reason. It was a mixture of sadness and excitement.
On the Edge
I was on the edge of being able to get more out of myself. My first attempt at 455 was rushed on the un-rack. After un-racking I wasn’t sure I was going to be able to make the weight. The guys started taking off the weight, and then I was like, "No, fuck it. Leave it on. This is the fucking shit right here."
Some of the crew said that it felt like a fucking movie. It was an out-of-body experience of epicness that was turned all the way up. Kyle and Zach were spotting me and all of the OG’s were there. A legendary cap of legacy at this Old School Gym.
The Juice
After I hit bottom and came up knowing that I was going to make the weight, I thought to myself, "Oh yeah, this is going to be sick". I was so fucking juiced up I didn't even know what to fucking do, so I punch a hole in the wall. Fuck your wall. It’s the last fucking day!
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