17) Fight for Stillness
Be still.
After you wake up, after your workout, or with your morning coffee take a minute to clear your mind. Take five or ten minutes. Don't listen to music or the radio or to podcasts. Just be still.
Can you think of a minute during your day that’s actually still?
Here’s what happens - we wake up, we scroll, we get busy doing this or that with the family, or we dive deep into Netflix. We're obviously stressed about our jobs, the state of the world, our finances, and we’re scrolling endlessly on social media. But are we taking a second to just be still?
After I lunge, I take my time. Let's say it takes, I don't know, four or five minutes. I walk nice and slow. I take my headphones out and just focus on a bird chirping or the wind blowing through the trees. I think of nothing.
I challenge you to just be still for the next two or three minutes after you read this. Focus on the birds, the wind, and nothing else. Take a deep breath and let the thoughts leave your mind.
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