#229 Everything in Your Life is Your Responsibility

Everything in Your Life is Your Responsibility

Whose Fault Is It?

Let’s say you’re the boss. You’re the one that people are looking up to. You’re the one steering the ship. You’re the chief visionary of the company. 

Then, someone messes something up.

Guess who’s fault it is? YOURS. Even if that person shares part of the responsibility, it’s ultimately your fault.

Why? Maybe you didn’t communicate what you needed done well enough. Maybe you weren’t thorough. Maybe you overloaded that person and they got overwhelmed. Maybe you should have checked in with them. It can be a bunch of different things.


The Harsh Reality

Ask yourself, “Did I allow this to happen? How did things get to this point?”

Fixing what went wrong can hit hard, and even be painful at times. You’re eating shots, you’re losing or risking money, etc.

There’s never going to be a shortage of people complaining, people bitching & moaning, or people finger-pointing. No one likes being wrong or being responsible for something that doesn’t work out well.

The only person that is left to blame is yourself.


Take Responsibility

Reframe the situation and take responsibility. 

Where did things go wrong? What could you have changed to make the situation better? What could you have done differently?

It comes down to taking responsibility and holding yourself accountable. Looking at situations through this lens is a total game changer as a leader. That’s how you get through the tough times, and that’s how you truly get better.

1 comment

  • Nanette

    AWESOME Message Game changer! Thank you

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