#27 Daily Mind F**kery

It goes on every day.  I’m not someone who watches the news frequently, but I watch the stock market closely, so I’ll catch the news headlines from time to time.  I intentionally pull back on this area of my life in order to keep a level head.


Find Out

We can’t have one without the other.  Body + Mind.  It’s easy to pick the wrong course or path, and when we do for several days, we develop the wrong mindset.  In a time like this, finding a positive person that you can talk to or look up to on a regular basis can be highly valuable.  It doesn’t have to be me.  It could be someone in your family, a friend, or someone you’ve always looked up to.


Be Positive

The way we battle this thing is by being positive, by being healthy, by keeping our immune system strong and by having a process to push for something.  Have you ever woken up with the 1,000-pound gorilla on your back?  It can be paralyzing.  I understand, I get it. 

Every day I do my best to stiff-arm that motherfucker when it comes at me.  I’m saying, "Nah, I'm going to make myself go do this because I know people need to hear it.  I'm going to make myself go do these workouts because I know people need to do this.  I'm going to make myself fucking do it.” 


Living in the Trailer

I remember living in that trailer.  My mom got laid off.  My grandparents would have had to feed us.  I mean, look, we would have struggled.  Be strong right now if you’re off the job market.  When you do go back out there, be ready to fucking get it.  Put your time in now, no matter how tough it is.  Punch that daily mindfuck and daily pressure right in the face.


Control What You Can Control

You hear it all the time… control what you can control.  Be healthy, keep working, and work on something that mentally makes you feel better.  Do I want to drink pints of Guinness?  Fuck yeah, but I'm trying to stay as disciplined as possible.  It’s hard, but if you can get out of the daily mind fuck to do something positive, consume something positive, or be positive for someone else, you'll come out on the other side a lot crispier in a better way.  Do your best to make the shitty situations better.  Every day is tough but start now.

The solutions, the push, and the motivation all have to be there.  It must run deep.  It’s been the same why for me for over 20 years.  To lead by example, to change generations, to be that motherfucker.  That's me for my family.  And hopefully I can do it for some of you guys on the internet too.  


Be the Example

Be the example for your family.  Yeah, crispy, right?  Don't let the mind fuck you over on a daily basis.  Find solutions and other ways to get through.  Find the washing machine of things to put yourself through to make sure you come out the other side, feeling crispy and clean.



  • Colby Payne

    Fucken true as hell man

  • Kevin McGuigan

    100% Agree.

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