The Lunge Guy's Pre-Squat Warmup Routine | MAX EFFORT MUSCLE SUPERSETS

On this week's #maxeffortmusclesuperset, @TheLungeGuy drops by to unveil his pre-squat warmup routine to prepare for heavy weight... featuring the Max Effort Muscle Hip Band.
👉 👉 @TheLungeGuy
Why use the hip band?
The hip band helps activate and turn on the hips, glutes, and posterior chain. The worst thing you can do is get under a heavy bar and not be ready to go.
👉 Hit this hip band routine before your next squat session, deadlift session, or before your walking lunges!
Hip Band Box Squats: 10-15 reps
Hip Band Side Shuffles: 10 steps each way
Forward & Backward Monster Walks: 10 steps each leg forward, 10 steps each leg backward
Hip Band Box Squats
- Position the band right above your knees
- Keep your feet planted & screwed into the ground
- Push out on the band - think about trying to break it
Hip Band Side Shuffles
- Band position above the knee
- Keep tension in your glutes the entire time
- Small choppy steps
Forward & Backward Monster Walks
- Band position above the knee
- Step at a 45-degree angle, alternating back and forth
- Forward and backward
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