Cutting body fat, lunging every day, and thrown heavy weight again with Jared G.


Cutting body fat, lunging every day, and thrown heavy weight again with Jared G.

🚀 Reclaimed his lost potential: Down 27 lbs and regaining the physique and mentality they once had as a lifetime athlete.

🚀 Defying Circumstances and Excuses: Despite being 35 years old, married with 3 kids, and having a career, Jared still maintained a non-negotiable discipline.

🚀 Inspiring Future Generations: Jared set a prime example for his sons by demonstrating the importance of hard work & dedication in the gym.



“I have become the storm again. The past 12 weeks has reminded how to be a savage again. I’ve cut body fat, grown mentality with lunge and learn, thrown heavy weight again hitting PRs, and the mirror does not lie - I’m locked in. Over the past few years I've allowed circumstance and excuses pull me away from my savage mentality.

At 35 years old, married with 3 kids, and a career, I let myself become complacent and full of excuses that I did not have the time and energy. Fuck that. The past 12 weeks proved to myself again that I can regain the physique and mentality that I once had as a lifetime athlete - all with non-negotiable discipline. And I am never going back. Most importantly, I set out with a goal to show my sons that there is no excuse for not grinding and chewing nails. I wanted them to be a witness to this process, see hard work in the gym, and the results that it brings. I wanted them to grow up victors, not victims.

As a longtime watcher of Old School and G's journey, through the #squateverday workouts nearly a decade ago, one mantra always stuck out to me from those days: "Fate whispers to the warrior, 'You cannot withstand the storm.' The warrior whispers back, 'I am the storm.'" Thank you for opportunity to be the fucking storm again.”

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