Losing 9 lbs while adding muscle and keeping a lunge streak w/ Ryan S.`

🚀 Down 9 lbs
🚀 Creating real momentum with a 67-day walking lunge streak
🚀 Lost fat poundage without losing muscle!
“The biggest that I accomplished was finally being able to be co sister with my lunges. I was always struggling with getting it past 21+ days but I’ve managed to have a streak of 67 days. Another thing that I am proud of is the retainment of muscle throughout. Doing AF 101 and 102, people will tend to drop off weight. I had to stick with AFMass for the longest time to keep my strength and size. I understand this contest is transformational and I did my best to transform what I believed was the best to my ability.”
STEP 1: Sign up for the CoryG Fitness App
STEP 2: Buy the Busy AF Diet Stack