Reached his goal weight by dropping 20, got stronger, and eats how he wants on the weekend w/ Michael R.

🚀 Down 20 lbs
🚀 Got stronger across the board
🚀 Eats & drinks how he wants on the weekend
“During this contest I was successfully able to reach my goal weight and still be able to lift heavy ass weights. I have been able to get in the best shape of my life as of yet and still be able to enjoy my life. I followed the blueprint you created and I easily shredded 20 pounds while still being able to eat and drink what I wanted to on the weekends. I believe a huge game changer for me is the daily lunge and learn, I couldn’t believe switching from generic treadmill cardio to lunges would give such great results.”
STEP 1: Sign up for the CoryG Fitness App
STEP 2: Buy the Busy AF Diet Stack