Shedded 22 lbs, crushed PR's, and added muscle w/ Adam

🚀 22 lbs down in 12 weeks!!
🚀 Put on quality muscle + lost fat
🚀 Crushing PR’s and doing his first powerlifting meet this year
"I learned a ton about myself and how far I can push my limits when there was a clear goal in mind. I never set out to actually win this contest if I’m being honest, but I did set out to do a solid recomposition phase. I found out how much protein really is king, and I feel like I’ve added some muscle and increased some PR’s. This has taught me that I can succeed with strength training, so much so that I’m going to be entering my first powerlifting meet this year.”
STEP 1: Sign up for the CoryG Fitness App
STEP 2: Buy the Busy AF Diet Stack