Kiki Weekly Newsletter | 3.29.23


First show of the season, the competitor-life balance, and improving lower body strength

Kiki Weekly | 3.29.23

Kiki Weekly Newsletter | 3.29.23 

This week's highlights 

✅ Bikini season is back! First show is in the books 👙

✅ Competitor-life balance: does it exist? 😮‍💨

✅ Deficit reverse lunges for a stronger lower body


Bikini season is back!

 Bikini season is back!

First show of the season is always exhilarating and feels like the first time all over again!

First show with my new Coach Paul Revelia (owner of Team Pro Physique and natural bodybuilder)


The Prep

This prep has been one of my "easier" ones - my body has responded great to the new training and nutrition protocols that we put into place focusing on more balance of carbs and fats, and manipulating mostly just carbs depending on my physique's needs.

My physique was "ready" at around 3-4 weeks out, which allowed Paul to test some "mock peak weeks" with me going into the show. Our game plan during actual peak week was dialed in and we could just focus on keeping stress low and bringing my best physique!

Coach Kiki's first show of the year

The Overall Show

This was by far the BEST overall showing for me (even though placing didn't reflect it) - I felt my best in terms of my fullness, leanness, balance and shape with my physique, and the best I have felt mentally and internally - just overall happy and healthy.

Coach Paul and I received great feedback from the judges and are already game planning for the next one!


Competitor-life balance: does it exist?

 Competitor Life Balance: Juggling Relationships, Mental Health & Fitness Competitions

Juggling Relationships, Mental Health & Fitness Competitions

Competing at a high level in fitness can be demanding. Is there such a thing as finding balance?


Nurturing Healthy Relationships: Tips for Communicating with Loved Ones

Open communication is crucial in maintaining strong relationships with friends and family during competition prep. Be honest about your needs, time constraints, and how your loved ones can support you in your journey.

Schedule regular check-ins and prioritize quality time together.


Mental Health and Competing: Strategies for Staying Grounded

Competing can be mentally challenging, so it's essential to find strategies to stay grounded. Consider journaling, meditation, or speaking with a therapist to manage stress and maintain mental clarity.


The Importance of Self-Care: Balancing Training with Relaxation and Recovery

Schedule time for self-care and relaxation to prevent burnout. Prioritize sleep, indulge in occasional treats, and consider incorporating restorative activities like yoga or massage into your routine.


Building a Support Network: Surrounding Yourself with Positive Influences

Surround yourself with people who understand and support your goals. Connect with fellow competitors, coaches, and fitness enthusiasts to create a network of positive influences.


Preparing for the Post-Competition Blues: Strategies for a Smooth Transition

Post-competition blues are common, so plan ahead to maintain a sense of balance after your show. Set new goals, allow yourself time to recover, and focus on nurturing your relationships and mental well-being.


By prioritizing these aspects, you can successfully juggle competing demands and enjoy a fulfilling journey on and off the stage.


Deficit reverse lunges for a stronger lower body

Deficit reverse lunges for a stronger lower body

What are they? 

Deficit reverse lunges are a variation of the traditional reverse lunge exercise that can help to improve lower body strength and stability. By performing the exercise with a deficit, you are adding an additional challenge to the movement, which can help to increase the effectiveness of the exercise.


Improve balance & coordination

One of the primary benefits of deficit reverse lunges is that they can help to improve balance and coordination.

When you step back into a reverse lunge position, your body must adjust to the change in weight distribution and maintain balance.

By performing the exercise with a deficit, you are adding an additional challenge to this balance component, which can help to improve your overall coordination and stability.

Lower body strength

In addition to improving balance and coordination, deficit reverse lunges can also help to strengthen the muscles of the lower body. The lunge movement targets the muscles of the glutes, hamstrings, and quadriceps, and by adding a deficit to the exercise, you can increase the resistance and intensity of the movement, leading to improved strength and muscle development.


Functional movement patterns

Many of the movements that we perform in everyday life, such as climbing stairs or squatting down to pick up an object, require us to step backward and lunge. By practicing this movement pattern with a deficit, you can improve your ability to perform these everyday tasks with ease and efficiency.


How to do them

Start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart and placing a small plate or step underneath one foot. Step backwards with the opposite foot and lower your body down into a lunge position, keeping your chest upright and core engaged.

Push through the heel of your front foot to return to the starting position, and repeat on the opposite side. Be sure to keep your front knee aligned with your ankle as you lunge and avoid letting it collapse inward.


Where to start

Start with just a few reps on each side and gradually increase the number of reps and sets as you become more comfortable with the movement. With consistent practice, you'll be able to see significant improvements in your lower body strength and functional movement patterns.

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