Kiki Weekly Newsletter | 7.20.22

📅 Goal Check-in! 📅

Kiki Weekly 7.20.22

How are you doing so far?

We’re at what feels like the halfway point of summer, and it’s a good time to do a self assessment of how your goals are going.

This time of year can be tough to stay on track because of all the activities going on. Whether you’re a parent with kids playing youth sports, someone like me trying to balance prep and living a normal life, or just busy in general, here are three easy tips to help you stay on track.



#1 Prepare, Prepare, Prepare

A failure to plan is planning to fail. This can apply to meals, hydration, mental health and more. Make a plan. Stick to it.

#2 Accountability

Make your inner circle aware of your goals and fitness journey. Let them feel like they are sharing in your transformation so they better understand your decisions.

#3 Craving Controls!

When possible, delaying your first meal as late as possible in the day can help to shrink cravings and make it less likely that you’ll feel hungry throughout the day.


66 years young with Boss Babe Cyndi!!

Kiki Weekly 7.20.22

66 years young and getting ready to step on a national level bikini stage at Masters Nationals in Pittsburgh! 


🧨 Cyndi is a FIRECRACKER 🧨

She's absolutely killing it! Living a healthy lifestyle - with a focus on good training & nutrition habits - proves to be a part of the recipe for success. A recipe that has kept her both healthy and energetic at 66 years old!

She even told me that she was going to keep competing until she was 80 years old!


Supplement Spotlight

The Health Cocktail of Gangsterness

Health Cocktail of Gangsterness


Greens, Fruits, Immune, Vitamin D, Probiotics

Just like Cory, I’m a big believer in the Health Cocktail of Gangsterness. I was even drinking this before Cory branded it, but it’s never too late for you! I mix this up in a shaker every morning, and it makes a HUGE difference!


LFG Trainer 4 is LIVE

LFG 4 Trainer

Y’all, LFG 4 is not for the weak. You will be sore. But, it will be fun!

The full program and videos are live on the site and ready to go. We’re focusing on making sure we develop that female aesthetic while also having fun in the gym!


➡️ View the Program


Here's a sneak peak:

Shoulder/Glute Superset: 4 Total Sets

 Standing Single Arm Shoulder Press: 15 reps

superset with:

Standing Banded Hip Hinge: 15 reps

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