#194 Part-time Dreamer

Have You Lost It?

In my opinion, most people have lost their ability to dream as they get older.  Societal pressure, family responsibilities, and lack of belief are a few of the many reasons why people stop dreaming.  You go from full-time to part-time dreamer.  Part-time dreamers still have the thoughts; however, they don’t have the belief that it’s actually possible. 

For me, I’ve always been a full-time dreamer.  I’ve always thought that shit was possible.  Yeah, I’ve hit some levels I didn’t know could even happen, but I believed in the milestones leading up.


Live Interestingly

Life becomes way less interesting when you lose the ability to dream.  The ability to dream up new things that could become a reality is what makes shit very interesting. 

I say some crazy shit all the time.  Some things I’ve lived through before, and I know and believe that they can happen again.  Other things just haven’t happened yet.  Sometimes I’ll say something just to see if I really believe it or not.

I love saying things that I really believe in to people that don’t believe in what I’m saying.  I can see it in their eyes.  And guess what?  It gives me fuel.  It makes me even more excited.  It’s up to me to make it come true.  Yeah, it may be a head game I’m playing with myself, but it’s highly effective.


Seeing What’s Possible

Envision your perfect day.
Envision who you’re working with.
Envision the way you want to operate.
Envision how things are going to grow.

What do you want it to look like?

Most of the things happening right now I’ve already seen them in my head.  Take the new Max Effort headquarters and new home of Old School Gym.  Having everything under one roof has made things much easier and more efficient.

I thought this new super headquarters was much farther down the road.  Little did I know that I was about to be served a layup.  An opportunity presented itself and I seized it with full force.  Was the timing ideal?  Absolutely not.  I had just finalized the buyout of my old business partner.  But I knew that this was it.  I knew this was the move, so I found a way to make it happen.

It was up to me to take the jump. 

Was I willing to take the risk? 
Was I going to find the funds to close the deal? 
Was I willing to do whatever it took to get it done?


Timing is Never Perfect

Are you going to let the opportunity pass you by because the timing may not be perfect?  Guess what?  It’s more than likely never going to be perfect.  It may happen earlier or later than you want to.

Having the belief + faith to seize the opportunity is the key.  People are scared to take risks because they don’t believe that the dream is possible.  But I’m here to tell you that these dreams can come true.  They’ve come true, they’re coming true, and the same can happen for you.


Start Now

Start the process now.  For my situation I knew that I wanted something in my town.  I envisioned being able to walk from one business to another.  I had no idea that there was even a building that could accommodate what I wanted.  The look, the vibe, and the location.

You never know when the opportunity is going to show itself.  And that’s exactly what happened.  A building turned up in my town, but I didn’t know the guy who owned it and it wasn’t for sale.  I found the building, found a way to get in contact with the owner, and a week later I’m standing in the building checking it out.


I Knew It

I knew what time it was from the moment I stepped in the door.  I instantly knew that this was the place.  I could see it so clearly.  I just had to figure out how to make it happen. 

And now every day when I walk in, I still can't believe that the building is as perfect as it is.  It’s the perfect place to be creative, to build and grow, to create systems, and to have fun.

I can see the warehouse stacked to the ceiling with product – an eight-figure business.  I can see multiple studios pumping out valuable content.  I can see the retail store slinging out product.  I can see it all.  It’s all happening.


Build Confidence Every Day

Building confidence daily is what you must do.  This is extremely important to understand because it gives you the belief that you can accomplish these things.  It’s no cake walk.  It’s going to be difficult.

The location.  The vibe.  The outlook.  What’s possible.

Don’t suppress these thoughts.  Doing so will kill your chances of making it come true.  You are your thoughts.  There’s no doubt about it.  When your thoughts become so real and you see them so clearly, it’s damn near impossible to say no.  All that’s left is to develop a strategy to actualize what’s in your head. 

Go full-time dreamer.  


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