Lower Body Burner Tri-set w/ Coach Kiki | MAX EFFORT MUSCLE SUPERSETS

Not 1, not 2, but 3 lower body exercises to get your lower half burning, engaged, and ready to go! Why Single Leg High Box Step-ups, Banded Sissy Squats, and Sissy Squat Pulses?
Strength gainz, the challenge, and lowering your risk of injury by building a stronger foundation! Think of it as an insurance policy.
These exercises are essential additions to your fitness repertoire.
Single Leg High Box Step-ups: 10 reps per leg
Banded Sissy Squats: 20 reps
Sissy Squat Pulse: 20 reps
Single Leg High Box Step-ups
- Do all 10 reps on the right side, then all 10 reps on the left side
- Drive your entire foot through the box, leading with the chest up
- Don't go to your toes or let your knee cave in
Banded Sissy Squats
- Feet under the hips
- Max Effort Hip Band goes right above your knee
- Focus is on the QUADS!!
Sissy Squat Pulse
- Max Effort Hip Band stays on!
- "Pulse" from about a half-squat to 3/4 of the way up - this should burn!!
➡️ Greens
- Tastes great. Mixes great.
- Helps decrease inflammation
- Experience more energy & metabolism boost
- Natural Raspberry Flavored