The Best Vegan Plant Protein on the Planet

The Best Vegan Plant Protein on the Market

A common misconception about plant protein is that it is ineffective because it is not a "complete protein.”

My first question to those who say this is, “What makes a complete protein?” Well, the correct answer is that a complete protein contains all the essential amino acids, which are as follows. 

  • Histidine
  • Isoleucine
  • Leucine
  • Lysine
  • Methionine
  • Phenylalanine
  • Threonine
  • Tryptophan
  • Valine

These amino acids are essential because the body cannot manufacture them so these amino acids must be consumed through the foods we eat.

Max Effort Muscle’s Plant Protein is a complete protein because it contains all the essential amino acids. It contains a combination of pea protein and peanut flour, which creates the perfect mix for the essential amino acids.


The Benefits

Pea protein is a very good protein source that contains almost all the essential amino acids. The only essential amino acid that may be lacking is Methionine, but that is where the peanut flour comes into play. Peanut flour contains Methionine which provides Max Effort Muscle’s Plant protein with all the essential amino acids, thereby making it a complete protein.

Not only is Max Effort Muscle Plant Protein a complete protein, but it is also great tasting, easily digested, and very effective for building muscle. Some additional benefits of Max Effort’s Plant Protein are that it contains zero cholesterol, contains no dairy, is low calorie, contains digestive enzymes, fits the vegan diet, and because pea protein takes longer to digest, it creates a greater thermogenic effect, so it leads to a slight increase in the metabolic rate.

From my personal experience with Max Effort Muscle Plant Protein, it has quickly become a favorite in my household because of its outstanding flavor, mixability, and the great results we get from this product.

So, let’s take a deeper look into Max Effort's Plant Protein and why we need to be concerned with whether a protein contains all the essential amino acids.


Why do we need all these amino acids?

Amino acids are essentially the building blocks of proteins, or the building blocks that create protein structures in the body that make up muscle, connective structures, enzymes, hormones, cell membranes, and all the vital components of our bodies.

When we consume protein, it is broken down into molecules, or amino acids, that can then be used to build variety of proteins that our bodies need to function. The essential amino acids are essential building blocks that combine with other amino acids (both essential and non-essential) to form the specific proteins that can be used by our body, but if there is an essential amino acid missing, then the specific proteins cannot be made because we are missing a building block.  

Amino acids share the same basic structure (See image below), which is to contain an alpha carbon (CH), an amino group (NH2), and a carboxyl group (COOH). Amino acids also contain an R group which identifies the amino acid and determines its chemical behavior. Each of the 20 amino acids (9 essential, 11 non-essential) has its own specific R group.

Amino acids form proteins in the body by linking together to form polypeptide chains. These chains are formed when the carboxyl group of one amino acid reacts with the amino group of another amino acid, and they form a peptide bond. Multiple amino acids continue to form peptide bonds until a polypeptide chain has been formed that has a specific function within the protein it forms. The chemical properties of the amino acids in the chain determine the function of the protein they build.


Max Effort Plant Protein


Protein and Training

After a hard training session, there is a need for rebuilding, resupply, reinforcing, and repair of the various protein structures that were affected by the overload of the training. This is where protein and amino acid supplements play a key role in enabling the body to adapt to the exercise overload through protein synthesis (addition or building of proteins).

By consuming a complete protein, the necessary amino acids can be added to form all the protein structures needed to create stronger muscles and connective tissues. For example, anyone who trains hard is familiar with delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS). This soreness, or DOMS, is caused by microtrauma that occurs within the muscle and is due to the mechanical stress placed on the muscles during a workout. This, by the way, is not a bad thing, but a necessary part of forcing the body to adapt and become stronger. Essentially, the microtrauma in the muscle results in a protease activity, which is the removal of damaged proteins. This protease activity leads to edema (fluid rushing to the area) which causes inflammation, which leads to pain and stiffness.

This process also triggers an adaptation response which leads to the muscles being more receptive to hormones and nutrients so the rebuilding and reinforcing can take place. This rebuilding and reinforcing depends on having sufficient protein available to provide the necessary building blocks to make muscles stronger. So, we can see two essential ingredients to the development of muscle. One is hard training that forces the body to adapt and get stronger, and the other ingredient is the consumption of complete proteins in the diet which will provide the necessary building blocks for repair and reinforcement of muscle and connective tissue.

Without either one of these ingredients, we simply cannot develop the muscle and strength we desire. If you have the first ingredient (max effort training), Max Effort Muscle’s Plant Protein is a great way to add the second ingredient, which is an additional supply of a complete protein to your diet so you can achieve the gains you are seeking.


More Benefits of Max Effort Muscle’s Plant Protein

One of the biggest complaints I hear about protein supplements is the stomach discomfort and bloating they can cause for some people. Some protein supplements can cause stomach discomfort because protein can be difficult to fully break down for our digestive system, so this can lead to discomfort.

Max Effort Muscle’s Plant Protein contains 5 digestive enzymes (protease I and II, amylase, lipase, and lactase) that help fully digest each serving of protein. This greatly reduces bloating, gas, cramping and general stomach discomfort which makes this product so easy to use.

There is also no added sugar, and the natural flavor is outstanding. This protein also mixes well with a variety of foods (protein smoothies are a favorite in my house) so you have many options available for enjoying Max Effort Muscle’s Plant Protein. If you are looking for a great plant protein, look no further than Max Effort’s Plant Protein. It is simply the best plant protein on the market.

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