Day 4: Mental Attitude
Day 4: Mental Attitude
"Mental attitude is the quality of mind which gives power to one’s thoughts and plans. Remember this fact, and stress it in organizing the philosophy of individual achievement."
– Andrew Carnegie
My 2 Cents...
I know there are basically two ways to look at everything. I can always find a negative spin on any aspect of my life right away, or I can focus on the positive side. I feel like a much happier and more productive person when I focus on the positive.
Focusing on the positive doesn’t mean ignoring the negative—it just means not dwelling on it. In my experience, only focusing on the negative can lead to a downward spiral. Throughout my adult life, I’ve chosen a positive-first mindset with a solution-based approach to tackling the so-called "negative stuff."
I believe this makes life feel better day to day, and those positive vibes lead to more successful relationships.