#169 I Don't Do Anything Special, I Just Don't Fucking Miss

"I don't do anything special, I just don't fucking miss."


The F Word

It's interesting when you insert the word “fucking” how much more serious people take things.  I was once asked by my wife and other people why I think I have to add this word in.  Because it provokes a different emotion.  The word only means what it means because we made the association.  If “fan” was a bad word, then I’d say “fan” instead of “fucking.”

Now, you may view this next statement as good or bad, but I fucking talk like this to everybody, even my kids.  You may be thinking, "Damn, G, you really talk to your kids like that?"  Well, when I drop the F bomb, they know I’m serious.  I don’t even have to be yelling.  I'll just be like, "Are you fucking kidding me, AG?"  He knows when I say that, that he better check himself.  


I’m NOT Great Every Day

So, when I look at you and say, "I don't do anything special, I just don't fucking miss," I'm telling you that I'm not great every day.  I’m not even great most days.  But what I can be great at is getting the fuck up and showing up to give my best possible shot at being successful.


Win or Lose?

What are you saying when you give in, or you don’t show up?  You’re saying that you don’t want to fucking win.  That’s it, it’s really that simple.  There’s no secret sauce.  It’s a mentality that I’ve adopted through my blue-collar work ethic.  The work ethic that tells me to show up and give everything I have every single day.


I’m Not Going to Miss

When I saw the results I was getting from thinking this way, I began to articulate the quote you now see.  I wanted to come up with a quote that was both motivational, and extremely basic. 

“I don’t fucking miss.”  What does that sound like?  It sounds like a non-negotiable punch in the fucking face.  And when I say that directly to people, it means that you can count on me to be there.  So, motherfucker, you better be there.

So, when I break it down to people that either don't show up in the mornings or can't commit to stuff, I always say this, "I'm going to fucking be there."  If you want to ride with me, then fucking show up.  It's literally that simple.  Then, when you adopt something like this for a long period of time, with a little bit of an edge and aggressiveness to it, then you think, "If I really have that type of intention to be that committed to consistency, what's really possible?"


You Have to Show Up

You can’t miss.  Sure, you need to have some talent, some passion, and an amazing team, but if you don't fucking show up, then none of it's possible.  It's like not even giving yourself a chance to fucking win.  I'm giving myself every chance to win.  

So, when you ask me, "What do you do when there's weeks that you can't get up and go to the gym?"  You’re writing a hieroglyphic language to me when I read that.  It's never weeks, it's never days.  The days I’ve missed are so few and far between.  It’s not because I’m special, it’s because I’m committed to not missing.


A Punch in the Face

What do I mean by getting punched in the face?  It means to quit being so fucking soft.  Show up, accept the challenge, and bring some accountability and discipline into your life.  Push yourself.  Push yourself so that you can give yourself the best opportunity to win.  Winners win because they keep showing up.  Then, the expectation to win takes over.  You won’t win every time, but you’ll win a lot more than you lose.


1 comment

  • Julie potes

    Loved this message today. I love to say the word fuck because everyone stops and listens

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