#210 I'll Do That When This

I'll Do That When This

I’ve heard it so many times. I’ve probably said it a million times myself.

I’ll do that when this.


Here’s What I Mean

I’ll start training when I get supplements.
I’ll start working out when I get a treadmill.
I’ll start eating better when I get more money.
I’ll start investing when I save this much money. 

What’s happening here? You’re procrastinating and putting things off.


How to NOT Put Shit Off

You can go outside. You don't need a fucking treadmill. You can lift gallon jugs of water if you have to if you don’t have dumbbells. FIND A WAY. Even if you're investing $5 in Robinhood, that's better than not doing $5. You see what I'm saying?

I used to think about this all the time. I used to think when I make a lot of money one day, that's when I'm going to donate to charity. When I have my supplements lined up, then I’ll get the results that I want.

All you’re doing is putting shit off. 

Choose the alternative. Start now. Start right where you are. Take the first step to make yourself better. It’s on you and you alone. If you procrastinate and continue kicking the can down the road, nothing will ever change!


Don’t Wait, Do it Now

For example, think about giving to a charity. I used to say things like, “When I make this amount of money, I’ll start donating to charity.”

Well, why not still donate what you’re able to now? Why not cultivate giving without expectation? Why would I wait till I hit a certain level when I can be helpful to someone right now?

Why am I waiting till I get a fucking treadmill to do cardio when I can walk in the park? Why am I waiting till I get a bench press when I can do 200 push-ups a day anywhere, anytime?


No More Excuses

Quit waiting. Quit whining. Quit giving yourself the easy way out. Don’t let yourself off the hook. We’re not even talking implementing monumental changes either. I’m talking about just getting started.

There’s never going to be a “perfect” time to start.

Getting started is the hardest part. Staying dedicated to process is hard. Creating momentum is difficult and easy to lose… but extremely powerful when you have it.

Don’t wait for the stars to align… get fucking started.

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