#211 What’s Possible in One Year?

What's Possible in One Year?

A New Way of Operating

Today I was looking at photos on my phone of the new headquarters, the new facility, the new gym, and the new setup we have going on. 

A whole new way of operating.

This is what was in my mind for years. It all came to fruition. Old School, Max Effort Muscle, CoryG Fitness, and the podcast network… all under one roof… in my town.

It feels like it has been 3-5 years since we moved into the new spot, but in reality, it’s only been one year. It absolutely blows my mind what we were able to accomplish in just one year.


Crazy & Efficient

Three, six, nine, twelve months. Doesn’t seem like a long time, does it?

When you operate efficiently…

When you operate effectively…

When you are relentless…

When you are a little crazy…

You can accomplish a great deal in a short amount of time.

For example, it could take you years to gain 40 or 50 pounds, right? But it could take you just three to six months to get that same weight off. In three to six concentrated months, you can completely change the way you look and feel.


What About Business?

It’s no different in the world of business.

I went into Max Effort Muscle with a partner, and now I’m the majority-owner and CEO. I flipped a bad situation into a great one. Being the majority owner of my own supplement company is something I’ve always wanted.

I was willing to do what it took to get Old School, Max Effort, CoryG Fitness, and the podcast network under one roof. That was one year ago.


Get Off the Sidelines

The amount of quality stuff you can get done in just one year can be astounding. Especially when you have the right team in place.

Some things worked out just the way we wanted them to. Some things didn’t. We’ve taken punches, we’ve executed, we’ve won, we’ve lost. It’s the nature of the beast. 

My advice? Get off the sidelines.

Don’t wait for things to happen. Go out there and make shit happen. No one’s going to give you a handout.


Operate the Way You Want to Operate

This is how I pictured it.

Gone are the days of driving 45 minutes to the gym. My family now regularly comes to Old School. I see Dustin every day. My whole crew is there every day. It’s really a family business now.

What's possible for the next year? What's possible for the next year after that? Only time will tell.

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