In-Season Strength for Athletes

In-Season Training…

a time to maintain? OR a time to Gain?

Hot summer days, the dog days of summer.  If you are reading this and in the final stages of fall camp keep attacking each day and best of luck with your season!

Many teams around the country are entering game week. How should you be training as an in-season athlete?

Over the past 8-12 weeks of summer you have trained to get bigger, faster and stronger, so let's be sure to not throw that all away.

As we enter in-season mode should we be training to maintain or gain?

If you answered maintain I would disagree. Hear me out. 

Teams are about to enter 12-16 weeks of uninterrupted training. That is nearly a 1/4 of the year. Why would we try and maintain strength when we could be getting stronger? Think for the first time we do not have conflicting sports, tournaments or family vacations interrupting training. 

So let's take full advantage and get strong.  

In-season (1 game a week)

Friday Game 

Monday - Max Effort Lower/Total

Tuesday - Practice

Wednesday - Dynamic Effort Upper/Total

Thursday - Walk thru

Friday - Game

Saturday - Max Effort Total/Upper/Regen


Saturday Game 

Monday - Off

Tuesday - Max Effort Lower/Total

Wednesday - Practice

Thursday - Dynamic Effort Upper Total

Friday - Walk thru

Saturday - Game

Sunday - Max Effort Total/Upper/Regen


In-Season (2 games a week)

Monday - Practice 

Tuesday - Game

Wednesday - Dynamic Effort/Upper/Regen

Thursday - Game

Friday - Max Effort/Lower/Total

Saturday - Practice/Regen 

Sunday - Off


Let’s use our time wisely and continue to develop our student athletes over the course of the season.  Any further questions or sample programs please do not hesitate to reach out on Instagram @CM1_Performance

With Strength,

Colin Masterson

Assistant Sports Performance Coach at Villanova University 

IG - @CM1_Performance

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